My SciFiStory
Other Information
Papers that provide pedagogical and technical models, plus accounts of practical usage
- Mona Almalki, “Innovating the future through a collaborative story-telling website“, MSc Thesis, The University of Essex, August 2019 (this describes the current alpha prototype platform of MySciFiStory)
- Carrie Lane and Juliette Solis, “Study of Digital Science Fiction Prototyping in an Elementary School Setting“, Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Education 2017’ (TIE’17), Canterbury Christchurch University, 11th–12th September, 2017 (this explored SFP pedagogical models for learning, proposing the model referred to as MySciFiStory)
- Víctor Zamudio, María del PilarPérez Mata, Vic Callaghan, Shumei Zhang and Carlos Lino “Using A Creative Science Approach for Teaching English As A Foreign Language to Postgraduate Students“, ‘Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Education 2017’ (TIE’17), Canterbury Christchurch University, 11th–12th September, 2017 (this implemented Shumei Zhang’s ‘SFP Computer English’ pedagogical model)
- Shumei Zhang, Victor Callaghan and Hongmei Wang “Improving English as a Foreign Language Education in China with Creative-Science“, SOFIEE’16, London, 12th-13th September 2016 (A paper reporting later work by Shumei Zhang with her ‘SFP Computer English’ model)
- Shumei Zhang (张书梅), Vic Callaghan (维克多·卡拉汉), Hongmei Wang (王红梅), Bin Hedong (何东彬) “Computer English Teaching Using a Creative Science Approach” (创新思维的计算机英语教程), Tsinghua University Press, 2016, ISBN 9787302422730 (the textbook written by Shumei Zhang and used with her students to teach the ‘SFP Computer English’ method).
- Vic Callaghan, Marc Davies, Shumei Zhang “An Online Immersive Reality Innovation-Lab” (presentation), iLRN’16, Santa Barbra, California 27 June -1 July 2016 (this paper was the first to exam the possibility of creating an online immersive reality environment for collaborative innovation activities, including the use of SFP).
- Mary DE LEPE, William OLMSTEAD, Connor RUSSELL, Lizbeth CAZAREZ and Lloyd AUSTIN “Using Science Fiction Prototyping to Decrease the Decline of Interest in STEM Topics at the High School Level“, Workshop Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, Prague, Czech Republic, 15-17 July, 2015 (this paper investigated the potential of SFP to motivate pre-university students to pursue STEM education and careers).
- Shumei Zhang, Vic Callaghan “Using Science-fiction Prototyping as a Means to Motivate Learning of STEM Topics and Foreign Languages“, Intelligent Environments 2014, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China, 2-4 July 2014 (this describes the original work that proposed the ‘SFP Computer English’ pedagogical model as a means for motivating students to learn English as part of innovation and science and engineering studies).
Other Useful Information
- A mock-up website created by the San Diego team members
- A Wikipedia description of the Exquisite Corpse
- A brief introduction to Creative Science (4 pages) or at Wikipedia
- Information about writing micro-SFPs
- More information on the Creative Science Foundation or at Wikipedia