Creative Science Foundation - CSf

A partnership with you to create the future

It is widely recognized that science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are vital workforce skills for a modern competitive economy [1]. Such skills are imparted to students as part of the educational process. However, many economies are reporting that the education system is failing to enthuse students in sufficient numbers to satisfy the STEM industry needs. Fiction has the power to enthrall people of all ages, especially children who love stories, movies and games. Science-fiction is such a medium that has given rise to numerous books, films and games enjoyed by children. Moreover, as science-fiction is set in the future it connects with children’s dreams for the future. Therefore the Creative Science Foundation (CSf) has embarked on a series of activities aimed at employing science fiction stories (or, as we prefer to call them, science-fiction prototypes) to capture the imagine of children, showing how science is important for their future, and how it is both creative and fun.
Thus CSf , in collaboration with University of Essex and some partner schools, organised a one-day event (New Creatives) to motivate interest in STEM subjects. You can see the Micro-Fictions, µSFPs, that were submitted below (or by looking at our Twitter feed (@CSciFoundation).  If you are interested, you can download the original ‘New Creatives’ call for participation, workshop presentation and worksheet.


  1. Useful Reference – Shumei Zhang, Victor Callaghan “Using Science-fiction Prototyping as a Means to Motivate Learning of STEM Topics and Foreign Languages“, Intelligent Environments 2014, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China, 2-4th July 2014. A paper that  describes two pilot trials on the use of Science-Fiction Prototyping  and Micro Science-Fiction Prototyping as a means to motivate students to engage with STEM and language learning courses.