
How to generate innovation?

The main (but not exclusive) methodology is the use of science-fiction stories, grounded in existing practice which are written for the explicit purpose of acting as prototypes for people to explore a wide variety of futures.

These 'science fiction prototypes' (SFPs) can be created by scientists, engineers, business or socio-political professionals to stretch their work or, for example, by writers, film/stage directors, school children and members of the public to influence the work of professionals.

Our Methodologies

Our methodologies are generally used for product innovation, however, they can be applied to another context.
For example, they have been used for facilitating broader contextual and societal thinking about computers, computer security risks, and security issues.

Using stories about possible futures can be used as a medium to engage the population in conversations about futures they would like to encourage or avoid. Moreover, they can be used as a vehicle to introduce creative thinking in support of entrepreneurship courses; or to increase young students' interests in STEAM subjects.

The Creative Innovation Development (CID) process is a cyclic, agile development process that acts as a grounding framework for SFP and DIT and a vehicle for Imagination Workshops.

Science Fiction Prototyping


Science Fiction Prototypes (SFP) uses people’s imagination to write science-fiction stories to instantiate ideas for new concepts...

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Micro Science Fiction Prototyping


The core methodology of Micro Science Fiction Prototyping (µSFP) is the application of flash fiction as shorthand for...

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Compound Science Fiction Prototyping

(Macro SFP)

Macro-SFPs are larger versions of Micro-SFPs, occupying many pages of writing. They can be created in a way...

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Diegetic Innovation Templating


Diegetic innovation Templating (DIT) is a novel methodology that it extracts fiction-based ideas into future product...

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The Creative Science Foundation offers consultancy, courses and workshops to individuals and corporations looking for developing innovation capability, creative thinking skill, product idea generation, understanding of technological trends and impact, futuristic vision.

A helpful guide for using CSf methodologies



What is Threatcasting and how does it differ to Science Fiction Prototyping?

Threatcasting is a derivative of Science Fiction Prototyping that uses fictional stories about the future to enable planners to reason about future risks, and find ways to mitigate them.  There is no difference in the methodology employed by Science Fiction Prototyping and Threatcasting (they are identical), differing only in the applications they target. Science Fiction Prototyping targets support for innovation of  new products, services and processes whereas Threatcasting targets exposing risks to organisations, individuals and society as a whole. An early adopter of Threatcasting is the military.

What is the difference between Science Fiction Prototyping, Design Fiction and Diegetic Innovation Templating?

At the highest level all three tools use fiction to present scenarios of the future. Both Science Fiction Prototyping and Design fiction involve writing bespoke fiction, whereas Diegetic Innovation Templating uses existing fiction (general created for the purposes of entertainment. Science Fiction Prototyping concerns fictional descriptions of future contexts (eg 5-20+ years forward), whereas Design Fiction operates across any time context. Design Fiction is, as the name implies a tool rooted in the design community, largely supporting those ends whereas Science Fiction Prototyping arose from technologists and largely supports science and engineering innovations.  Diegetic Innovation Templating arose from the creative industries and is particularly successful in areas where aesthetics are important it is also cited as inspiration for many technology innovations. Clearly, because these approaches are united in their use of fiction as scenarios, there is considerable overlap and synergy between them. Very often designers will borrow on all three schools in their work. If you wish to dissect this in more detail then you might look at the work of the main proponents of these methods who are Brian David Johnson who pioneered ‘Science Fiction Prototyping for product innovation while working for Intel, Julian Bleecker who popularised ‘Design Fiction‘ through his  Near Future Laboratory  and Ping Zheng who reported and researched on the emergence of ‘Diegetic Innovation Templating‘ in China’s fashion and clothing industry.